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Family Walking On the Beach

Holiday Hacks

Welcome to Holiday Hacks for Parents: Quick tips to smooth sleep away from home! 

Below I've compiled the essential hacks to ensure your holiday is as smooth as possible. If you want more comprehensive guidance click below!

Be prepared for time change

Start shifting their wake and bedtime before your trip if there’s a large time difference. Get plenty of daylight and fresh air during the day when you get to your holiday.

Recreate their Sleep Space

Bring what you need from home to recreate that comfortable space in this new environment. The more you can recreate this the more comfortable your child will be!


Consistency is key for restful nights, even on vacation! Stick to your child's familiar sleep space to minimise disruptions. Avoid reintroducing old habits like night feeds or co-sleeping. Stay consistent for smoother transitions back home.


Explain any differences, like room-sharing, as temporary treats and reassure them it's back to normal at home. Keep chatting during the trip to involve and reassure them. Clear communication makes for confident, happy travellers! ✈️

Have Fun

Whether exploring new places or simply enjoying each other's company, embrace the joy of making memories. If sleep routines go off track, don't stress – you can always reset at home. Let's make this journey unforgettable! ✨🌍


Want more? Press on the link below to get the comprehensive guide.

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